Photo of Martin Frater counsellor.

Martin Frater

Person Centred and Outdoor Therapist
 07748 978508

Sessions last 50 minutes and cost £50.
2 hour sessions £80 (usually with time in the outdoors) 
Martin offers face-to-face and some online sessions.


About Martin Frater

Martin is a qualified Person-Centred Counsellor. He offers short-term and long-term Person-Centred Counselling with a focus on Outdoor sessions. Our daily lives are often so busy that we don’t have a moment to think of the bigger picture. Or we feel so flattened by events that it is all we can do to get through the day. Counselling can offer a safe space in the storm where you can pause and really take stock of what is happening and a clearer view of the way that works best for you.

The outdoors is central to my life, I have worked as an outdoor instructor and find the environment relaxing. I often offer some session time in the outdoors as it can bring its own sense of peace and improve our wellbeing. Often, we cannot help being drawn to the natural beauty around us. This can enhance counselling sessions, providing a relaxed, soothing, environment in which to explore deeper difficult issues in a gentle and powerful way.

Martin works with a range of issues including:

  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Work Related Stress
  • Bullying
  • Loss
  • Change
  • Bereavement
  • Depression
  • Life debilitating conditions
  • Long Term illness
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Low Self Esteem

Training and Experience

Martin successfully completed a post graduate diploma in person-centred counselling 2016.Previously I also graduated with a 2:1 BA Hons degree in integrated counselling studies. I have also previously worked with the National Autistic Society and have some experience working with Neurodiversity. I also worked as an outdoor instructor for 7 years which grounded my passion for the outdoor environment.

Professional Memberships

Martin is a registered member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy  and follows their code of practice and ethical framework.